The muddy clods of earth, colder than ice, gurgle and boil underground; then, through numerous opened mouths, scattered all over the valley, they bubble upwards, bursting out either at a very low or … [Read more...] about At the Gates of Hell
We Laugh at Death
We are Romanians. We laugh at Death. We have the guts to face the darkness with light in our hearts. We celebrate life. Up north, in a small village called Sapanta from the Maramuresh land, is … [Read more...] about We Laugh at Death
The Wooden Churches of Maramures
They call them “the sleeping beauties” or “the sleeping princesses.” I have no clue why or who started this metaphor, but if you look at them, you have to agree: they have a “je ne sais quoi”, a … [Read more...] about The Wooden Churches of Maramures